7 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

History of Italy

800 BC The rise of the Etruscan civilisation
750 BC The Greeks begin to found colonies in Italy
600 BC The Etruscans rule central Italy
510 Rome rebels against the Etruscans. The Romans gradually take Etruscan territory.
494 BC The Plebians (poor Romans) withdraw from Rome and found their own settlement on the Aventine Hill
396 BC The Romans capture the city of Veii
390 BC The Gauls sack Rome
272 BC Almost all of southern Italy is in Roman hands
265 BC The last Etruscan town falls to the Romans
264-241 BC The Romans fight the Carthaginians
218-202 BC The second war against Carthage. The Romans completely defeat the Carthaginians.
148 BC Macedon becomes a Roman province
135-132 BC Slaves in Sicily rebel
103-99 BC Slaves in Sicily rebel again
90 BC All of northern Italy is in Roman hands
89 BC All free Italians are granted Roman citizenship
83-80 BC Sulla is dictator of Rome
73-71 BC Spartacus leads a slave rebellion
67 BC Pompey destroys the pirates in the Mediterranean
49 BC Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon
44 BC Julius Caesar is assassinated
27 BC Octavian is granted the title Augustus
14-37 AD Tiberius rules Rome
54-68 AD Nero rules Rome
98-117 AD Under the Emperor Trajan the Roman Empire reaches its peak
169-180 AD Marcus Aurelius is emperor
212 AD All free people in the empire are granted Roman citizenship
337 Constantine the first Christian emperor dies
410 BC Alaric the Goth captures Rome
455 BC The Vandals sack Rome
476 The last Roman emperor is deposed. Odoacer is made king of Italy.
535 The Byzantine emperor Justinian sends an army to Italy
540 The Byzantines capture Ravenna
568 The Lombards invade Italy
772 The Franks conquer the Lombard kingdom
1061-1091 The Normans conquer Sicily
1176 The German emperor Frederick Barbarossa is defeated at Legnano
1266 The French conquer Sicily
1282 The Sicilians rebel
1348 Italy is devastated by the Black Death
1434-1464 Cosimo Medici rules Florence
1470 The printing press is in use in Venice
1495 The French capture Naples but soon withdraw
1515 The French capture Milan
1527 The Spanish sack Rome
1542 Alarmed by the spread of Protestantism in Italy the Pope founds the Roman Inquisition
1600 The Roman Inquisition executes an astronomer named Giordano Bruno
1707 The Austrians take Naples
1720 The Austrians take Sicily
1764 Famine in Naples
1763-66 Famine in Tuscany
1796 Napoleon invades Italy
1797 Napoleon places Venice under Austrian control
1800 Napoleon wins a victory at Marengo
1820 A rebellion takes place in Naples
1831 More rebellions take place in Italy
1837 Giuseppe Mazzini lives in Britain but stoke the fires of Italian nationalism
1848 Revolutions break out in Italy
1849 All rebellions are crushed and the old order is reimposed in Italy
1852 Camillo Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Piedmont
1858 Cavour makes a deal with the French to drive the Austrians out of Italy. In the Papal States the authorities kidnap a 6 year old Jewish boy named Edgardo Mortara from his parents and raise him as a Catholic
1859 After the war with Italy Piedmont gains Lombardy
1860 Romagna, Modena, Parma and Tuscany agree to join Piedmont. Garibaldi leads a force to support a rebellion in Palermo. They capture Naples on 7 June.
1861 The king of Piedmont becomes king of all Italy
1866 The Italians join the Prussians in a war with Austria. Afterwards Italy gains Venice.
1870 Italian forces liberate Rome
1877 Compulsory primary education is introduced in Italy
1887-1891 Francesco Crispi is prime minister of Italy
1893-1896 Crispi is prime minister again
c. 1886-1915 Northern Italy industrializes
1900 King Umberto is assassinated
1908 An earthquake strikes Sicily
1912 All literate men in Italy are given the vote
1915 Italy joins the First World War
1917 The Italians are defeated at Caporetto
1918 The Italians win a victory at Vittorio Veneto
1919 Mussolini founds the Fasci di Combattimento
1920 Unrest among Italian workers
1922 A force of Fascists march on Rome. The king makes Mussolini prime minister.
1924 Giacomo Matteotti the leader of the Socialists is murdered
1925 Mussolini makes himself dictator of Italy. Mussolini begins 'the battle of the grain' to make Italy self-sufficient.
1929 The Catholic Church makes an agreement with the Fascists
1938 Mussolini introduces anti-Semitic laws
1940 Mussolini declares war on France and Britain
1943 The allies land in Sicily then in Italy
1944 On 4 June the allies enter Rome
1945 German troops in Italy surrender
1946 Italy becomes a republic
1957 Italy is a founder member of the EU
1968-69 There is labor unrest in Italy
1970 Divorce is allowed in Italy
1972 Only 35% of Italians attend church regularly
1978 In certain circumstances abortion is allowed. Aldo Moro the leader of the Christian Democrats is murdered.
1999 Italy unwisely joins the Euro

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